11,220 KM through Africa

From Cairo to Cape Town


4 Months of biking, 10 countries, 11,220 km on the saddle… this is:

The Tour d’Afrique.

Doing this tour has been on my mind for many years but I never found the time (who said courage ??) to do it…This changed beginning of 2018 as I decided to step out of my comfort zone and to go for this amazing trans-African bike tour.

After months of preparation, organization and training, I am getting close to the starting point and I decided to put this website online to share this once-in-a-lifetime experience with you.

But there is another reason for this website. During the next 4 months, I will have the privilege to visit some of the most exciting and impressive countries of Africa but these are as well among the poorest ones. I therefore want to use this unique opportunity to give something back to this continent through a fundraising for children’s education in Africa.


Help Me Support “Lessons for Life”

I strongly believe that education is the most important factor to raise people out of poverty. This is why I chose to support “LessonsforLife”, an organization that is doing a fantastic job funding education in Africa.

Their mission:

“Lessons for Life funds education projects in Africa. Every child, no matter where they are born, has the right to an education that equips them for life. 

We believe that education changes everything.”

My target is to raise 1 Euro per kilometer. As I’m planning to bike the total 11,220 km of the Tour d’Afrique, this will leave us with 11,220 Euro!

This money could support the scholarship of 25 children for a whole year !

Wouldn’t that be great? Please help me reach this goal!!
(and if we reach more it’s ok, too 😉 )

 Please support my fundraising initiative by clicking below!

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